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Production coordinator - Enjoying work has always been important

man jobbar som produktionskoordinator på transtema

Enjoying work has always been important for Johan Christell, and 12 years at Transtema confirms that he has found the right place. As a production coordinator, he acts like the spider in the web, not only for our technicians but also for his colleagues. He says that the good atmosphere among colleagues, combined with the opportunity to work in a company that constantly offers new challenges, is why he thrives so well.

What does your role as a production coordinator entail?

In my daily work, I handle work orders from our customers across the country and ensure that the technicians I am responsible for efficiently reach their assignments. Some work orders require urgent adjustment and planning, especially if multiple customers are affected by an entire station or mast being down. These orders must be prioritized, which may mean that my technicians have to embark on completely different trips than originally planned.

You can compare it to putting together a puzzle. All the pieces must fit, and throughout the day, it may be necessary to adjust or replace certain parts to maintain the overall picture. This makes every day different. In our planning, we also consider important aspects such as minimizing travel between assignments to reduce both environmental impact and costs. It’s about planning strategically while also being flexible, which is a challenge but also something I find very satisfying.

Has the role of production coordinator at Transtema varied over time?

I started here back in 2012 and often joke that I’m like one of the old wallpapers on the wall; you have to scrape off three, maybe even four layers before you find me. I have been part of the company’s development and have seen how we have grown and changed over the years.

When I started at Transtema, I handled larger corporate installations for major customers. After a year, I moved into a role that handled several smaller contracts and customers. This later led me into a more extensive planning role, where, along with a colleague, I was responsible for a larger area and had direct contact with both technicians and customers.

In 2019, I had the opportunity to participate in a project in Stockholm aimed at improving our working methods. This project gave me new perspectives on how we could streamline and improve our processes. Although I later returned to my previous role, I took many lessons from that time.

Today, I am responsible for a larger team of technicians, which I manage with the support of my colleagues over a large geographical area, from Örnsköldsvik to Gävle. I enjoy what I do immensely now. There have been discussions, and I have also considered taking on a new role in the company. But I have always felt that I am most useful where I am now. I have all the tentacles out and keep an eye on what is happening around, and I love being in the thick of things and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Continuing to develop every day

Despite twelve years at Transtema, I feel that I develop daily thanks to constant new challenges. It is this continuous development that makes me thrive so well in my current role. For me, the most important thing is to enjoy what I do and my colleagues, and I truly feel that I do.

When I have found a workplace where I feel I am in the right place, the company also gets the best out of me. I feel that we at Transtema have a good set of values: “Think New,” “Show Respect,” and “Take Responsibility.” Our value set pervades everything we do, and I really stand behind it.

I look forward to continuing to develop and contribute to the company’s success. There are always new challenges to tackle and new solutions to find. The most important thing for me is that I continue to enjoy myself and feel that I am making a difference. As long as I feel that way, there is no other place I would rather be.

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